Items in the MLSSA library
Books (1000 series)
Marine Fish
- “Seahorses, Pipefishes and their relatives – a comprehensive guide to Syngnathiformes”, revised edition (Rudie Kuiter) 2003 – mlssa 1054
- “The Marine & Freshwater Fishes of South Australia” (Scott, Glover & Southcott) 1974 - mlssa No.1008
- “The Marine & Freshwater Fishes of South Australia" (Scott, Glover & Southcott) 1980 - mlssa No.1009
- “Australian Sea Fishes South of 30 degrees" (Neville Coleman) - mlssa No.1019
- “Keeping Seahorses" (Robert Straughan) - mlssa No.1005
- “Sharks and other predatory fish of Australia” (Peter Goadby)1963 – mlssa No.1046
- “Marine Fishes Volume 1” (Gilbert Whitley) 1962 – mlssa No.1047
- “Marine Fishes Volume 2” (Gilbert Whitley) 1962 – mlssa No.1048
Other Marine Life
- “2002 Sea Shells – catalogue of Indo-Pacific mollusca” (Neville Coleman) 2003 – mlssa 1049
- “1001 Nudibranchs – catalogue of Indo-Pacific sea slugs” (Neville Coleman) 2001 – mlssa 1050
- “A Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopuses of Australasia” (Mark Norman & Amanda Reid – mlssa 1051
- “A Field Guide to Crustaceans of Australian Waters” (Diana Jones & Gary Morgan) 2002 – mlssa 1052
- “Australian Marine Life – the plants and animals of temperate waters”, revised edition (Graham Edgar) 2003 – mlssa 1053
- “Marine Flatworms – The World of Polyclads” (Leslie Newman & Lester Cannon) 2003 – mlssa 1055
- “Marine Invertebrates of Southern Australia Part 1" (Edited by Shepherd &Thomas) - mlssa No.1021
- “Marine Invertebrates of Southern Australia Part 3" (Edited by Shepherd &Thomas) - mlssa No.1056
- “Between Tasmanian Tide Lines – A Field Guide” – mlssa No. 1057
- “Marine Plants of Australia” (John Huisman) – mlssa No. 1058
- “Marine Decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia – A guide to identification” (Gary CB Poole) 2004 – mlssa No. 1059
- “Marine Animal Injuries To Man" (Dr Carl Edmonds) mlssa No.1022
- “Natural History of Kangaroo Island" (Edited by Tyler, Twidale & Ling) - mlssa No.1013
- “Barnacles" (A.J. Underwood) - mlssa No.1001
- “Life in the Oceans" (Lucas & )- mlssa No.1006
- “The Crustaceans of South Australia" (H. Hale) - mlssa 1003
- “Life On The Rocky Shores of S.E. Australia" (Wescott) - mlssa No.1023
- “Portugese Man-of-War or Bluebottle" (Ronald Southcott) - mlssa No.1024
- “South Australian Shells" (Bernard Cotton) - mlssa No.1015
- “Sea-shell Mathematics" (Chris Illert) - mlssa No.1014
- “Rockpooling Around The Bunurong" published by the South Gippsland Conservation Society (1982) - mlssa No.1030
- “Our Amazing Undersea World sticker album" - mlssa No.1036
- “Australian Seashores" (WJ Dakin) 1963 - mlssa No.1040
- “Below High Water” 1998, edited by Smith & John – mlssa No. 1041
- “Marine Mammals in South Australia” 1981, by Ling & Aitken – mlssa No. 1042
- “The Fish Habitat Handbook” 2001, by Paula Brown – mlssa No. 1043
- “Australian Estuaries: A framework for management” 2001, by Smith Sant & Thom – mlssa No. 1044
- “The Story of Seafood in Australia” – mlssa No.1045
Marine Aquariums
- “The Marine Aquarium" (Wolfgang Wickler) - mlssa No.1025
- “Marine Aquarium Guide" (Frank De Graaf) - mlssa No.1007
- “Tropical Marine Aquaria" (R.A. Riseley) - mlssa No.1016
- “TFH Pet Books 1980" published by T.F.H. Publications - mlssa No.1031
- “thylacinus" Vol.5, No.2 1980 - Journal of the Australian Society of Zookeepers. Includes an article titled "Fish for the beginner" by John West, Head of the aquarium at Taronga Zoo, Sydney - mlssa No.1033
- “A listing & analysis of fatal diving accidents in South Australia" (Peter Horne) - mlssa No.1026
- “The Diving Emergency Handbook" (3rd edition) by John Lippmann & Stan Bugg (1987) - mlssa No.1035
- “The Down-under Scuba Diver by Bill Sylvester - mlssa No.1038
- “Towards Ecological Sustainability" edited by Nena Bierbaum - mlssa No.1027
- “Marine Pollution Inquiry - Inquiry Information Booklet" - the information booklet about the Senate Inquiry into marine & coastal pollution, published by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, July 1995 - mlssa No.1028A.
- “Marine and Coastal Pollution" - the report from the Senate Inquiry into marine & coastal pollution, published by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, October 1997 - mlssa No.1028B.
- “Watercare - A curriculum resource for school years 6-10" a joint initiative of the National Landcare Program & the SA Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources - mlssa No.1029
- “I can do that! - with a little help... Funding assistance for environmental projects available from the Commonwealth Environment Portfolio" published by the Department of the Environment, Sport & Territories (1995) - mlssa no.1032
- “Caring for the Environment we share" published by the Department of Environment & Planning - mlssa No.1034
- “Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Bill 1998" - mlssa No.1037A & B
- “Inquiry Into Gulf St Vincent" published by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, June 2000 - mlssa No.1039.
- “How To Chair A Meeting" (M.I. Puregger) - mlssa No.1020
Reports & Files (2000 series)
- “A brief ecological survey of Port Noarlunga reef by Hank Duyverman – mlssa 2002
- “Keys to southern Australian Phaeophyta (brown algae) by HBS Womersley – mlssa 2018
- “2020 Vision - Ideas for Metropolitan Adelaide" (1991) - mlssa No.2020
- “Inquiry into Protection of the Coastal Environment" Discussion Paper November 1990 - mlssa No.2021
- “Assessment of the Environmental Effects of the Dow Redcliff Project" (1980) - mlssa No.2023
Five publications from the Queensland Fisheries Service (featuring crabs, freshwater crayfish and Coral Trout):
- “The Queensland Mud Crab Industry" (1982) edited by BJ Hill - mlssa No.2024
- “Annotated Bibliography of the Australian Freshwater Crayfish (Family Parastacidae)" (1982) by CE Matilda - mlssa No.2025
- “A Monograph of the Coral Trout, Plectropomus leopardus (Lacepede)" (1978) by Gerald B. Goeden - mlssa No.2026
- “Methods for determining size & sex of marketed Mud Crabs & Sand Crabs in Queensland" (1980) by MJ Williams & CP Lee - mlssa No.2027
- “Annotated Bibliography of the Portunid Crab, Scylla serrata (Forskal)" (1980) by CE Matilda & BJ Hill - mlssa No.2028
- “The International Trade In Seahorses" by Amanda Vincent. A Species in Danger report by TRAFFIC International - Trade Records Analysis of Flora & Fauna In Commerce." - mlssa No.2029A
- “A summary of the above TRAFFIC report by Amanda Vincent. Amanda is from the University of Oxford's Zoology Department. TRAFFIC is a joint program of WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and IUCN (the World Conservation Union) - mlssa No.2029B
- “Marine Fish and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals" edited by E. Hudson & G. Mace - a report of a workshop held in collaboration with WWF and IUCN in 1996. The Red List includes 148 species of marine fish, 80% (118) of which have been classified as threatened. 70% (83) of these 118 have been classified as declining in population. The list includes some SA species as follows:- Big-bellied Seahorse, Short-headed Seahorse, Sculptured Seamoth, Robust Pipehorse, Spiny Pipehorse, Leafy Seadragon and Weedy Seadragon. The seadragons and Short-headed seahorse are classified as being "Data Deficient" - mlssa No.2030A
- “Threatened fish? Applying the IUCN criteria to marine fish for the first time: some initial guidelines" (Draft 26th July 1996) - mlssa No.2030B
- “Networks of "No-Take" Marine Reserves are practical and necessary" by Bill Ballantine (This is a chapter taken from "Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries" edited by NL Shackell & JHM Willison) - mlssa No.2031
- “Directory of South Australian Marine & Coastal Conservation & Resource Contacts" (July 1996 edition) compiled by Tony Flaherty & Graham Hooper of the Marine & Coastal Community Network. There is an article about Dragon Search on page 2 and our Society is listed on page 13 - mlssa No.2032
- “The State Of The Marine Environment Report" (SOMER) by Tony Flaherty (at "The Unique South" workshop) - mlssa No.2033
- “Proceedings: Great Australian Bight Marine Park Workshop" (1994) - mlssa No.2035
- “Focus on Aldinga Scrub - Past, Present, Future", proceedings of a public seminar 1986 - mlssa No.2036
- “Ecologically and Economically Sustainable Energy for South Australia" - mlssa No.2037
- “SSS'95 Conference Booklet" (Universities of the Tandanya bio-region) - mlssa No.2038
- “Recreational Fishing in Australia - A National Policy" (1994) published by the National Recreational Fisheries Working Group (C/- Dept. Primary Industries & Energy, Canberra) - mlssa No.2039
- Environmental Protection Council Annual report 1992/3 - mlssa No.2040
- “Guidelines for Licensing Discharges to the Marine Environment" (1993) - mlssa No.2041
- “Fisheries Treaty" negotiated by Non-Governmental Organizations - mlssa No.2042
- Dragon Search (including "The Dragon's Lair" newsletter) - mlssa No.2043
- Decorator Crabs - mlssa No.2006
- Hermits Crabs - mlssa No.2045
- Victor Harbor Study - mlssa No.2048
- Seaweek - mlssa No.2049
- DAN Australia - mlssa No.2050
- Pipefish of SA - mlssa No.2015
- Fish - from "Life On Earth" (David Attenborough) - mlssa No.2016
- European Featherduster Worm - mlssa No.2052
- Coastal Issues Action Group - mlssa No.2053
- Marine Mammal Action Group (a sub-group of the Threatened Species Network) - mlssa No.2054
- Fisheries Action Program - mlssa No.2057
- The International Year of the Reef - mlssa No.2058
- Whale Rescuing - mlssa No.2059
- The Sea Shepherd Society - mlssa No.2060
- Hallett Cove School - mlssa No.2061
- Star of the Sea School - mlssa No.2062
- “Fish Taxonomy and Identification" (1979) by CJM Glover - mlssa No.2064
- Cuttlefish protection - mlssa No.2065
- “ALP Discussion Paper on SA's Coastal & Marine Environment" (1998) - mlssa No.2066
- Kangaroo Island - mlssa No.2067
- Pelican Lagoon - mlssa No.2068
- Publications to aid fish identifications in Australia - mlssa No.2069
- “How marine life copes with a lead smelter" (1985) by Andrew Ball - mlssa No.2070
- “Identification guide to major groups of marine invertebrates" (1993) by Nigel Holmes - mlssa No.2071
- “Marine Invertebrates Phyllogenetics" (1993) by Nigel Holmes - mlssa No.2072
- Shark berleying - mlssa No.2073
- Crabs - mlssa No.2074
- Nature Australia - mlssa No.2075
- Rocky Intertidal Protection Zone - mlssa NO.2076
- Internet Web Pages - mlssa No.2077
- KI Tuna Farm Proposal - mlssa No.2078
- Survey information - mlssa No.2079
- 1985 Port River Chemical Spill - mlssa No.2080
- "Review of Alternatives for the Adelaide Metropolitan Beach Replenishment Strategy" (1992) published by the Coastal Management Branch, Dept. Environment & Planning - mlssa No.2081
- "Marine Reserves in South Australia: Proposals for some future directions" (1979) by Ottaway, Oak, Bossley & Gardiner - mlssa No.2082
- "We can help - A community Threatened Species Action Guide" (1998) published by the Threatened Species Network - mlssa No.2083
- Marine Protected Areas - mlssa No.2084
- Local Branch Guidelines for the Australian Marine Conservation Society - mlssa No.2085
- Wastewater Treatment Plants in SA - mlssa No.2086
- "SA's Parks & Wildlife - Keeping our future alive" - mlssa No.2087
- "Our Sea, Our Future - Major findings of the State of the Marine Environment Report for Australia" - mlssa No.2088
- "Our Sea, Our Future - Summary of the State of the Marine Environment Report for Australia" - mlssa No.2089
- Sunday Mail Enviro Tour 1/6/97 - mlssa No.2090
- "Patawalonga Water", news from the Patawalonga Catchment Water Management Board, June 1997 - mlssa No.2091
- West Beach Boat Ramp Issue - mlssa No.2092
- Reef Watch - mlssa No.2093
- Artificial Reefs - mlssa No.2094
- "Cleaner Urban Waterways Award 1997" - mlssa No.2095
- "KESAB Action Awards 1997" - mlssa No.2096
- "Coastal and Marine Resource Guide" (1996) published by Environment Australia (Commonwealth Coastal Action Program) - mlssa No.2097
- "Field Activities for Coastal and Marine Environments" (1997) published by the Department of the Environment, Sports & Territories - mlssa No.2098
- The National Estate Grants Program (Australian Heritage Commission) - mlssa No.2099
- "Australia's Oceans Policy (AOP)"- Report of the Ministerial Group on Oceans Policy (March 1998) - mlssa No.2100
- "AOP" - An Issues Paper (For public comment) May 1998 - mlssa No.2101
- "Australia's Marine Science & Technology Plan" - Draft for consultation (June 1998) - mlssa No.2102
- "AOP Background Paper 1" - Oceans Facts & Figures (A Primer on Australia's Oceans and Exclusive Economic Zone) - mlssa No.2103
- "AOP Background Paper 2" - International Agreements (Review of International Agreements, Conventions, Obligations and Other Instruments Influencing Use and Management of Australia's Marine Environment) October 1997 - mlssa No.2104
- "AOP Background Paper 3" - Submissions (Analysis of Submissions to the Oceans Policy Consultation Paper) - mlssa No.2105
- "AOP Background Paper 4" - Reviews & Recommendations (Analysis of Marine and Coastal Reviews and their Recommendations in relation to Development of an Oceans Policy for Australia) - mlssa No.2106
- "AOP Issues Paper 1" - Oceans Planning & Management (Multiple Use Management in the Australian Marine Environment: Principles, Definitions and Elements) June 1997 - mlssa No.2107
- "AOP Issues Paper 2" - Oceans Planning & Management (Management Instruments for Marine Resource Allocation and Use) September 1997 - mlssa No.2108
- "AOP Issues Paper 3" - Oceans Planning & Management (Best Practice Mechanisms for Marine Use Planning) September 1997 - mlssa No.2109
- "AOP Issues Paper 4" - Socio-cultural Considerations (Caring for the Commons - Socio-cultural Considerations in Oceans Policy Development and Implementation) October 1997 - mlssa No.2110
- "AOP Issues Paper 5" - Socio-cultural Considerations (Expanding the Role of Collaborative Management and Stewardship in the Conservation Management of Australia's Marine and Coastal Resources) October 1997 - mlssa No.2111
- "AOP Issues Paper 6" - Socio-cultural Considerations (Socio-cultural - Saltwater Country Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Interest in Ocean Policy Development and Implementation) October 1997 - mlssa No.2112
- "AOP Issues Paper 7" - Biodiversity Conservation (November 1997) - mlssa No.2113
- "Notes on parental care, hatching and raising of seadragons" (1988) by Rudie Kuiter - mlssa No.2114A&B * A=English version, B=French version
- "Torrens Water", news from Torrens Catchment Waster Management Board - mlssa No.2115
- "Sustainable Use or Multiple Abuse", an ACF Habitat supplement - mlssa NO.2116
- "Our Seas & Coasts - a marine & estuarine strategy for SA" - mlssa No.2117
- Glenelg Barges Fish Sightings - mlssa No.2118
- Lobby Group Against Netting - mlssa No.2119
- Urban Runoff - mlssa No.2120
- Biology of estuaries & coastal waters - mlssa No. 2121
- Underwater photography - mlssa No.2122
- "Changes in Seagrass Coverage" (EPA) - mlssa No.2123
- "Great Australian Bight Marine Park Management Plan Part A" - mlssa No.2124A
- "Great Australian Bight Marine Park Management Plan Part B" - mlssa No.2124B
- Coast Protection Board Annual report 1997-8" - mlssa No.2125
- "Southern Metropolitan Coastal Waters Study Report" - mlssa No.2126A
- Southern Metropolitan Coastal Waters Study Summary" - mlssa No.2126B
- Australia's Oceans Policy No.1" - mlssa No.2127
- "Australia's Oceans Policy No.2 - Specific Sectorial Measures" - mlssa No.2128
- Seadragon File - mlssa No.2129
- "Environmental Performance Measures - Sign posts to the future" - mlssa No.2130
- "Biodiversity - A guide to using & protecting Australia's biodiversity" - mlssa No.2131
- "Sharks" by Kelvin Aitkin (Sportsdiving magazine feature) - mlssa No.2132
- "1999 Environmental Sciences Catalogue" - mlssa No.2133
- "Earthlink - Australia's environmental products & services directory" - mlssa No.2134
- "SA Rock Lobster - Today's Ocean Conscious Industry" - mlssa No.2135
- ""Our Seas & Coasts - Marine & Estuary Strategy for SA" - mlssa No.2136
- "Reefwatch Program Manual" - mlssa No.2137
- Library list from the Malacological Society of SA - mlssa No.2138
- Seahorses file - mlssa No.2139
- "Magic Dragons - South Australia's Best Kept Secret" by David Muirhead - mlssa No.2140
- "Protecting Our Oceans - Australia's MPAs" - mlssa No.2141
- "Strategic Plan of Action for National MPAs" - mlssa NO.2142
- "World Environment Day 2000" - mlssa No.2143
- "Senate Inquiry into Gulf St Vincent" the report from the Senate Inquiry, published by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1999 - mlssa No.2144
- "Protecting Gulf St Vincent - A statement on its health and future" published by the Department of Environment & Natural Resources, 1997 - mlssa No.2145
- "Lethal Waters:the assault on our marine mammals", a special 'Habitat' supplement, published by the Australian Conservation Foundation - mlssa No.2146
- "National Pollutant Guide 1998" published by Environment Australia - mlssa No.2147
- "Marine Environment Emergencies - help save our oceans & coasts" published by the Centre for Local Government Training, April 2000 - mlssa No.2148
- "52nd meeting of International Whaling Commission" - mlssa No.2149
- "The Seacliff Wave Recorder" - mlssa No.2150
- "Project Seahorse information" - mlssa No.2151
- "National Library of Australia" - mlssa No.2152
- "“Reefwatch Invertebrate Workshop 2000” – mlssa NO.2153
- "The Australian Marine Debris Status Review: Summary Report” – mlssa No. 2155
- "The ANZECC Working Party on Marine Debris: Summary Report” – mlssa No. 2156
- "Focus On The Bluff Booklet 4 – Content guide & worksheets for each grade” – mlssa No. 2157
- "Great Australian Bight Exploration Program, Environmental Marine Research Atlas” 2001 – mlssa No. 2158
- "World Environment Day 2001” – mlssa No. 2159 (2000 – mlssa No. 2143)
- "Seaweek 2001” – mlssa No. 2160
- "Below Decks Project” (Granite Island aquarium - mlssa No. 2161
- "“Environmental Defenders Office” – mlssa NO. 2162
- "Hemp SA file” – mlssa No. 2163
- "Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone, Estuary & Waterway Management” (CRC Aust) – mlssa No. 2164
- "John Hill, MP” – mlssa No. 2165
- "Iain Evans, MP” – mlssa No. 2166
- "The Health of Subtidal Reefs Along the Adelaide Metropolitan Coastline 1996-99” by the EPA – mlssa No. 2167
- "Coastline- A strategy for implementing CPB policies on coastal acid sulfate soils in South Australia, No.33 January 2003", SACPB - mlssa No. 2168
- "Yankalilla Bay and Beyond – SA’s Fleurieu Peninsula 2002-2003 visitor guide" – mlssa No. 2169
- "South Australia’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Research and Development Strategy 2002-2007" – mlssa No. 2170
- "South Australian wetlands" file – mlssa No. 2171
- "Semaphore sand issue" file – mlssa No. 2172
- "Diving & Boating safety" file – mlssa No. 2173
- "Caulerpa taxifolia" file – mlssa No. 2174
- "Copyright info." file – mlssa No. 2175
- "Christmas Island" file – mlssa No. 2176
- "Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Strategy" – mlssa No. 2177
- "Draft Coastal Management Strategy Plan – City of Marion" – mlssa No. 2178
- "Environment Policy and Action Plan" – mlssa No. 2179
- "Conservation Overview and Action Plan for Australian Threatened and Potentially Threatened Marine and Estuarine Fishes 2002" by Pognowski, Pollard & Paxton – mlssa No. 2180
- "Oceans Policy: Principles & Processes" – mlssa No. 2181
- "Environmental Indicators for National State of the Environment Reporting – Inland Water" – mlssa No. 2182
- "Environmental Indicators for National State of the Environment Reporting – Estuaries & the Sea" – mlssa No. 2183
- "ANZECC Interim Marine & Coastal Regionalisation for Australia: An Eco-system-based Classification for Marine & Coastal Environments June 1998" – mlssa No. 2184
- "Ambient Water Quality Monitoring of the Gulf St Vincent Metropolitan Coastal Waters No.2" – mlssa No.2185
- "Investment Strategy for the Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan – Mount Lofty Ranges and Greater Adelaide Region 2003" – mlssa No. 2186
- "A Survey of the Western Blue Groper in Western South Australia" by Scoresby Shepherd & James Brook – mlssa No. 2187
- "Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone Estuary & Waterway Management Annual Report 2002-2003" – mlssa No. 2188
- "Water Quality of Adelaide’s Metropolitan Coastal Waters – A Community Summary" – mlssa No. 2189
- "Preliminary Field Observations of Mating and Spawning in the Squid Sepioteuthis australis" by Troy M. Jantzen & Jon N. Havenhand – mlssa No. 2190
- "Reproductive Behavior in the Squid Sepioteuthis australis From South Australia: Ethogram of Reproductive Body Patterns" by Troy M. Jantzen & Jon N. Havenhand – mlssa No. 2191
- "Reproductive Behavior in the Squid Sepioteuthis australis From South Australia: Interactions on the Spawning Grounds" by Troy M. Jantzen & Jon N. Havenhand – mlssa No. 2192
- Wallaroo Cuttles – mlssa No.2193
- Eight Mile Creek & Ewens Ponds – mlssa No. 2194
- Native Fish Australasia (SA) – mlssa No. 2195
- Friends of Gulf St Vincent – mlssa No. 2196
- Seadragon Photographics pamphlet (photocopy) – mlssa No.2197
- SA’s Bioregions & Bio-icons – mlssa No.2198
- "Cit Litter – Ocean Killer" cards – mlssa No.2199
- Great Barrier Reef – mlssa No. 2200
- Guest speakers – mlssa No.2201
- Fisheries Act Review 2003 – mlssa No.2202
- Ningaloo Reef – mlssa No.2203
- "Adelaide Coastal Waters Study" – mlssa 2204 (also on floppy disk – mlssa 8011)
- DEH algae cards (May 2004) – mlssa 2205
- Advertiser “Education" liftouts – “Ocean Planet" & “Wetlands" 2004 – mlssa 2206
- "Protection of the Deep", SE marine regions – mlssa 2207
- "Seafriend" web site information – mlssa 2208
- Heidi Bartram file – mlssa 2209
- Nudibranch file, including Polycera hedgpethi details – mlssa 2210
- "Crown of Thorns Starfish control program on the Great Barrier Reef – fine scale survey report" - mlssa 2211
- "Where have all the codfish gone?" – mlssa 2212
- "An Estuaries Policy for SA – discussion paper March 2004" – mlssa 2213
- Starfish file – mlssa 2214
- “Greg Rouse – worms and featherstars" file including newspaper cuttings – mlssa 2215
- Encounter 2002 Expedition to the Isles of St Francis, South Australia: Myzostoma australe (Myzostomida), A new crinoid associated worm from South Australia" in the “Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (2003), 127(2), 265-268, 28 November, 2003" – mlssa No.2216
- "Myzostoma seymourcollegiorum n.sp.(Myzostomida) from southern Australia, with a description of its larval development" by Greg Rouse and Mark Grygier, Zootaxa 1010:53-64 (2005), ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) – mlssa No.2217
- “Annelida" by Greg Rouse, Fredrik Pleijel and Damhnait McHugh at - mlssa No.2218
- “Osedax: Bone-eating Marine Worms with Dwarf Males" by GW Rouse, SK Goffredi & RC Vrijenhoek – mlssa No.2219
- "Worms discovered living on whale bones" (source unknown) – mlssa No.2220
- “Ceci n’est pas une pipe: names, clades and phylogenetic nomenclature" by Fredrik Pleijel and Greg Rouse, J.Zool. Syst. Evol. Research 41 (2003) 162-174, ISSN 0947-5745 – mlssa No.2221
- Marine Mamal Strandings in Australia: developing a national approach (May 2004) – mlssa No. 2222
- “The Growth of Whale Watching Tourism in Australia (May 2004)" – mlssa No. 2223
- "Marine Mammals of Australia & New Zealand" – mlssa No. 2224
- IFAW Whale Information – pamphlets, leaflets, etc.. (International Fund for Animal Welfare) – mlssa No. 2225
- "Draft Estuaries Policy – Overview" (DEH) – mlssa No. 2226
Information Folders (3000 series)
- "Coastal Management Study" - environment options for the coastal zone between Semaphore and Outer Harbor. The Coastal Review Reference Group review of the management of Adelaide's metropolitan beaches. Topics include sea grasses, dune management and structure, community involvement, sand accretion and flora and fauna - mlssa No.3001
- Shipwrecks - mlssa No.3002
- Coastcare - mlssa No.3003
- Dive holidays - mlssa No.3004
- Threatened Species Network - mlssa No.3005
- KESAB - mlssa No.3006
- City of Charles Sturt information including newsletters and details about West Lakes - mlssa No.3008
- City of Marion information & correspondence - mlssa No.3009
- Australian Dolphin Research Foundation information including "Dolphin" newsletters - mlssa No.3010
- "Shorelines", Coast & Marine Information series - mlssa No.3013
- Field Naturalists of SA details including "The SA Naturalist" magazine & "Hybrid" newsheet - mlssa No.3014
- Marine & Estuary Strategy information - mlssa No.3015
- Great Australian Bight Marine Park information - mlssa No.3016
- SARDI (SA Research & Development Institute) information - mlssa No.3017
- The Old Glenelg Jetty - mlssa No.3018
- "Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999" - mlssa No.3021
- "Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises in Australian Waters" (Australian Conservation Foundation) - mlssa No.3022
- "CAPP Inc", file of information about Community Action for Port & Peninsula group - mlssa No.3023
- "The Colour Of Fish" information collated by Steve Reynolds – mlssa No. 3024
- "Coastal Community Resource Kit – How to save our coasts & oceans" (AMCS) – mlssa No. 3025
- "The Australian Marine Project Guide" 2001 by Bohm & Woodfield (AMCS) – mlssa No. 3026
- "Atlas of Marine Matters – South-east Marine Region" – mlssa No. 3027
SA Fisheries Ppapers & Magazines (4000 series)
- "Southern Fisheries", the quarterly magazine from Fisheries & SARDI - mlssa No.4000
- "South Australia's Aquatic Reserves" pamphlet - mlssa No.4001
- "South Australia's Man-made Reef" pamphlet - mlssa No.4002
- "Notes for Spearfishermen" pamphlet - mlssa No.4003
- "The South Australian Fishing Industry" pamphlet - mlssa No.4004
- "The Rock Lobster Industry of South Australia" pamplet - mlssa No.4005
- "The South Australian Prawn Fishery" pamphlet - mlssa No.4006
- "The South Australian tuna fishery" pamphlet - mlssa No.4007
- "Trout in South Australia" pamphlet - mlssa No.4008
- "Stocking Farm Dams With Fish" pamphlet - mlssa No.4009
- "Tagging studies on scale fish in South Australian waters" sheet - mlssa No.4010
- "European Carp" paper - mlssa No.4011
- "Blue Crabs" paper - mlssa No.4012
- "Port Noarlunga Aquatic Reserve" paper - mlssa No.4013
- "River Murray Fish" pamphlet - mlssa No.4014
Netting restrictions, boundaries & regulations papers:
- Pt Adelaide River & St Kilda ICI Works, Marino to Outer Harbor - mlssa No.4015A
- St Vincent Gulf - Port Vincent & northwards - mlssa No.4015B
- Editburgh - mlssa No.4015C
- Kangaroo Island - mlssa No.4015D
- Port Lincoln-Proper Bay - mlssa No.4015E
- Coffin Bay - mlssa No.4015F
- West Coast Venus Bay & Baird Bay - mlssa NO.4015G
- Streaky Bay - mlssa No.4015H
- Denial & Smoky Bay - mlssa No.4015I
- South East Area from KIngston along coast to Victorian border - mlssa No.4015J
- The Murray, Mouth & Coorong - mlssa No.4015K
- SAFIC (Magazine of Fisheries & SA Fishing Industry Council) from late 70's to early 80's - mlssa No.4017
- Collecting file - contains three pamphlets from Fisheries re. collection of rock lobster, fisheries regulations for divers & the Rocky Intertidal Protection Zone - mlssa No.4018
- PISA Fisheries - contains numerous Fisheries pamphlets on many subjects - mlssa No.4019
- NSW Fisheries Journal of sustainable fishing - mlssa No.4020
- Fisheries Research & Development Corporation R&D News - mlssa No.4021
- Commonwealth Policy on Fisheries Bycatch", June 2000 - mlssa No.4022
- "Marine Scalefish News" – mlssa No. 4023 (formerly No. 7024)
- "Fishing Future", newsletter of Australian Fisheries Management Authority – mlssa No. 4024
- "Gently Does It! A guide for releasing fish to survive" – mlssa No. 4025
- "Fish Passage Requirements For Waterway Crossings" – mlssa No. 4026
- "Five Year Research & Development Strategy 2003 – 2008" (SARFAC) – mlssa No. 4027
- "Aquaculture Environment Management Policy" draft 11/4/03 – mlssa No. 4028
- "Aquaculture Environment Management Policy" report 11/4/03 – mlssa No. 4029
- Aquaculture Resource Management & Ecologically Sustainable Development Policy draft 11/4/03 – mlssa No. 4030
- "Barker Inlet Port Estuary Committee 2003 Business Plan" – mlssa No. 4031
- "Proposed increase in the minimum legal size of Greenlip Abalone in the Central Zone" file – mlssa No. 4032
- "A Survey of Recreational & Indigenous Fishing in Australia from 2001-2002" – mlssa No.4033
- "Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Committee Annual Report 2002-2003" – mlssa No.4034
- "Marine Scalefish Fishery restructure June 2000" – mlssa 4035
- "Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Committee Annual report 2003-2004" – mlssa No. 4036
- "Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery" (2004) – mlssa No. 4037
- "Lakes & Coorong Yelloweye Mullet Fishery " (2004) - mlssa No 4038
- "Golden Perch Fishery Assessment Report" (2004) – mlssa No. 4039
MLSSA Files & Documents (5000 series)
Then there are copies of our own publications (Journals, Newsletters, papers, etc...), minutes, correspondence, photo albums, posters and our Photo Index.
- MARIA Minutes - mlssa No.5001
- MLSSA MInutes - mlssa No.5002
- Misc. Correspondence Out - mlssa No.5003
- Misc. Correspondence In (Prior to 1997) - mlssa No.5004
- Misc. Correspondence In (1997/8) - mlssa No.5005
- Misc. Correspondence In (1998/9) - mlssa No.5006
- MARIA Branch Procedures - mlssa No.5007
- MLSSA Ethics - mlssa No.5008
- MLSSA Constitution - mlssa No.5009
- AGM 1997 - mlssa No.5010
- AGM 1998 - mlssa No.5011
- Fish lists & Data Base details - mlssa No.5012
- Royal Adelaide Show details - mlssa No.5013
- Newsletter Indexes - mlssa No.5014
- Grant application to CCSA 1990 - mlssa No.5015
- MLSSA information - mlssa No.5016
- Dive log book - mlssa No.5017
- MLSSA logo - mlssa No.5018
- Journals (Boxed set) - mlssa No.5019
- Journals (Folder) - mlssa No.5020
- Spare Journals (loose) - mlssa No.5021
- Spare MARIA Newsletters - mlssa No.5022
- Photo Index working set of slides - mlssa No.5023
- Invertebrate Photo Album - mlssa No.5024
- Fish Photo Album - mlssa No.5025
- MLSSA Activity Album - mlssa No.5026
- Starfish Identification Guide - mlssa No.5027
- Photo Index file & register - mlssa No.5028
- Seadragon Database Report - mlssa No.5029
- Seadragon Monitoring Program details - mlssa No.5030
- Album of seadragon drawings - mlssa No.5031
- Diving Officer Code of Practice - mlssa No.5032
- Items in MLSSA library - mlssa No.5033
- Newsletter masters 1999 to present - mlssa No.5034
- Seahorse reference list - mlssa No.5035
- Seadragon reference list - mlssa No.5036
- Wildlife Australia Autumn 1999 - mlssa No.5037
- MLSSA AGM 1999 - mlssa No.5038
- MLSSA Correspondence In 1999-2000 - mlssa No.5039
- MARIA Journal masters - mlssa No.5040
- MLSSA Journal masters - mlssa No.5041
- MARIA Journal originals Vol.1, No.5 - mlssa No.5042
- MARIA Journal originals Vol.2, No.1 - mlssa No.5043
- MLSSA Journal originals No.1 - mlssa No.5044
- MLSSA Journal originals No.3 1992 - mlssa No.5045
- MLSSA Journal originals No.4 1993 - mlssa No.5046
- MLSSA Journal originals No.5 1994 - mlssa No.5047
- MLSSA Journal originals No.7 1996 - mlssa No.5048
- MLSSA Publicity – mlssa No. 5049
- MLSSA Jewels of the Sea file – mlssa No. 5050
- MLSSA Beach Wash Guide file – mlssa No. 5051
- "Jewels of the Sea", A Marine Education Resource Guide for children in Primary & Middle Years Bands SACSA Framework – mlssa No. 5052
- "An Octopus’s Garden", An early childhood marine education resource guide for teaching young children 3-8 years old – mlssa No. 5053
- MLSSA SA Marine Life Calendars – mlssa 5054
- "Setting up and maintaining a temperate marine aquarium" created and written by the Marine Life Society of SA. There are about six chapters as follows: "The basics of setting up a temperate marine aquarium" and "Basic under-gravel filter construction" by Geoff Mower. "A refrigeration unit for temperate aquariums" and "Conditioning new bacteriological filters" by Peter Gilbert. "Feeding marine fish and invertebrae in the aquarium" by Harry Simon. "Maintaining an ecological balance in an aquarium" and "Notes on keeping some temperate marine fish" by Denise Warren. "Collecting marine creatures" by Philip Hall - mlssa No.6001
- Marine Aquaria - mlssa No.6002 - A file which contains articles such as:
Setting up a temperate marine aquarium
A refrigeration unit for temperate aquariums
Basic under-gravel filter construction
Marine fish diagnosis flow chart
Aquarium Life Australia magazine, Issue 2, Vol.2. This mag featured mlssa and articles by associates of our Society (Dr C.Emmens, founder of MARIA) & Ric Fallu of the Marine Aquarium Society of Victoria) - mlssa No.6003 - "Feeding marine fish/invertebrae in the aquarium", lists compiled by MARIA (SA) members - mlssa No.6004
- MARIA Scientific Folder - a compilation of articles, mostly about aquarium keeping - mlssa No.6005
- Masters of MARIA articles from Scientific Folder (includes some copies also) - mlssa No.6006
Journals, Newsletters & Magazines (7000 series)
- "Environment & Planning" Journal No.1 (1982) - mlssa No.7001
- "Environment & Planning" Journal No.2 (1983) - mlssa No.7002
- Three 1993 "Coastline" publications issued by the SA Coast Protection Board - mlssa Nos. 7003-5
- "Reeflections" - Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority newsletters - mlssa No.7006
- Adelaide Scuba Diving Club newsletters - mlssa No.7007
- Coastal Waters Dive Club newsletters - mlssa No.7008
- Whale Centre Club newsletters - mlssa No.7009
- SDF newsletters - mlssa No.7010
- Australian Marine Conservation Society Bulletins - mlssa No.7011
- Marine Conservation Society (UK) magazines - mlssa No.7012
- Conservation Council of SA's "Environment SA" magazines - mlssa No.7013
- "Waves" from the Marine & Coastal Community Network (Each "Waves" includes an insert titled "Southern Regional Ripples") - mlssa No.7014
- ECOS (CSIRO's magazine on science & the environment) from early 1980's - mlssa No.7015
- Reefwatcher", the Reef Watch newsletter - mlssa No.7016
- South Australian Museum newsletters - mlssa No.7019
- "Torpedo" - news bulletin of the British Marine Life Study Society - mlssa NO.7022
- Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Committee newsletter - mlssa No.7024
- "Geo Australasia" - mlssa No.7027
- "Sportdiving" magazine - mlssa No.7028
- "Wildlife Australia" - mlssa No.7029
- "Australian Geographic" - mlssa No.7030
- MSSA "Shellgrit" (Malacological Society of SA) - mlssa No.7031
- "40 deg South (Tasmania & Beyond)" No. 5 – mlssa No. 7032
- "Habitat" (ACF) Vol.23, No.5, Oct 1995 – mlssa No. 7033
- "Soundings", Newsletter of SUHR – mlssa No. 7034
- "Horizons", newspaper of the City of Onkaparinga – mlssa No. 7035
- "Undercurrents", MESA newsletter – mlssa No. 7036
- "Exploring Adelaide" – mlssa No. 7037
- "Biosecurity Australia News" – mlssa No. 7038
- "Turning The Tide" magazine published by the Australian Marine Conservation Society – mlssa No. 7039
- "Ecovoice" – mlssa 7040
Videos, CDs, DVDs & Floppy Disks (8000 series)
- "Rottnest Island – Offshore Paradise" – mlssa No. 8001
- "Marine Reserves – A view from the bridge" – mlssa No. 8002
- Grey Nurse Shark protection lobbying video – mlssa No. 8003
- Grey Nurse Shark protection lobbying CD – mlssa No. 8004
- Grey Nurse Shark protection lobbying DVD – mlssa No. 8005
- Coast & Marine Education Framework CD – mlssa No. 8006
- Whyalla’s Cuttles (3 features) video – mlssa No. 8007
- Whyalla’s Cuttles (3 features) CD – mlssa No. 8008
- "Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan – Mount Lofty Ranges and Greater Adelaide Region 2003" CD – mlssa No. 8009
- "Shores of Gulf St Vincent" by Douglas Steene (narrated by Roger Cardwell) video (also includes “Michaelmas Cay") – mlssa No. 8010
- "Adelaide Coastal Waters Study" floppy disk – mlssa 8011
- "Hold Up Pacifique" (Vanuatu, French) DVD – mlssa 8012
- Two Leafy Seadragon pictures on CD – mlssa 8013
- Several CDs of MLSSA calendar pictures – mlssa 8014 – 8021
- "Living Coast Strategy for SA" CD – mlssa 8022
- "Scientists and the Alaska Oil Spill" video - 8023
MPA information (9000 series)
- "MPA Program & Marine Planning Program" – mlssa No. 9001
- "ANZECC Strategic Plan of Action for NRSMPAs" – mlssa No. 9002
- "Media release of the State Govt.’s vision for MPAs 6/12/01" – mlssa No. 9003
- "Marine Planning – a guide for all users" – mlssa No. 9004
- "Take The Plunge – Help protect our marine parks" – mlssa No. 9005
- "MPAs – Zoned for many uses" – mlssa No. 9006
- "MPAs – A shared vision" (Draft for public consultation) – mlssa No. 9007
- "Australia’s MPAs", National Heritage Trust – mlssa No. 9008
- "Basis for Zoning for the Encounter Marine Park Draft Zoning Plan 2005" – mlssa No. 9009
- "Encounter Marine Park Draft Zoning Plan 2005 – Draft for Public Review" (March 2005)- mlssa No. 9010
- "Draft Zoning Plan" brochure ("Encounter Marine Park Draft Zoning Plan – For Public Review")- mlssa No. 9011
- "Blueprint for the South Australian Representative System of Marine Protected Areas"- 9012
- "Marine Protected Areas" pamphlet (December 2001)- mlssa No. 9013
- "Living Coast Strategy for South Australia – Executive Summary" (2004) – mlssa No. 9014
SDFSA Documents
- Hard copies of past issues of the SDF’s electronic news sheets – sdf1
- "A Guide To The Introduced Marine Species In Australian Waters" (technical Report No.5) by Dianne M. Furlani. The guide is in a 4-ring binder. It was produced by the Centre for Research on Introduced Marine Pests (CRIMP) in June 1996. It contains details on all of the eight species covered by the NSW marine pest ID cards plus much more – sdf2
- A set of 8 laminated marine pest identification cards for divers around NSW produced by the NSW Department of Primary Industries. These cards help divers identify pests and give contact details for reporting pest sightings. If a pest population is discovered early on, there is a greater chance it can be brought under control. The cards have been placed into a 4-ring binder – sdf3
- SA dive club & dive shop newsletters – sdf4
- SA Police Volunteer Organisation Authorisation Number for Police Checks – pam1
- Estuaries in South Australia – pam2
- Code of Conduct for Recreational Anglers in South Australia – pam3
- Adelaide’s Historical Walking Trail – pam4
- Leafy Seadragon Festival 2005 – pam5
- Port Noarlunga Reef Underwater Trail – pam6
- Great Australian Bight Marine Park – Information for park users – pam7
- Marine Planning – A guide for all users – pam8
- Marine Protected Areas – pam9
- Take the plunge. . .You can help protect our marine national parks – pam10
- MLSSA publicity #1 (mlssa No. 5049) – pam 11
- MLSSA publicity #2 (mlssa No. 5049) – pam 12
- Fishing Regulations (for Divers) Oct 2002 – pam 13
- Dive Secrets of Fleurieu Peninsula & Kangaroo Island – pam 14
- Dive South Australia – pam 15
- SA’s Dive Secrets – pam 16
- Underwater Sports Dive Centre publicity leaflet – pam 17
- Ships’ Graveyard of SA – pam 18
- Murray Watch – pam 19
- Cuttle3fish closure Spencer Gulf Feb 2003 – pam 20