Marine Life Society of South Australia Inc.
Collection of Marine Life - Code of Ethics
Should members participate in a dive with the intention of collecting creatures for a home aquarium or on request to set up an educational display then:
Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner that will enhance the character and interests of the Society.
The emphasis should be on observation, education and research.
Members should discourage the collecting of native marine creatures by those without the knowledge to properly maintain them.
Members who are new to collecting native creatures should be trained and supervised by an experienced collector.
Diving trips to collect specimens must be conducted so as to comply with the laws relating to marine creatures, fishing and the particular dive site.
The collector should ascertain which fish or animals are not suitable to be taken.
Divers should restrict the total numbers of any particular species that may be taken at a particular dive site, or combination of sites, during a series of dives.
Every care should be taken when collecting and handling specimens to minimise stress and damage, and to lessen the impact on wild stocks and their habitat.
Each diver is asked to submit an accurate written list to the Society of the creatures they collect within seven days of the dive.
Members should not use collecting dives for the collection of specimens for sale or profit.
The name of MLSSA shall not be used in connection with the commercial collection or sale of native marine creatures.
The collecting of specimens should only be undertaken for specific projects, and suitable facilities must be ready for them prior to the dive.
Members will maintain their tanks and inhabitants in the best possible condition, so as to assist longevity.
Neither wild caught nor captive-bred fish shall be translocated to any natural habitat.
Ailing creatures should be humanely destroyed.
All members should agree to abide by this Code of Ethics before participating in any dive to collect specimens.